Board Votes to Advertise Township Budget for 2022
On November 10, I voted to adopt and advertise the Township Budget for the 2022 fiscal year. The total appropriation for all operating...
Board Approves No Tax Increase Budget, challenges ahead
On Thursday, I voted to approve and advertise the proposed township budget for the 2021 fiscal year. The total township budget for 2021,...
Letter from ASD Superintendent regarding 2020 - 2021 school year.
Dear Abington School District Families: I understand that the past 5+ months have been a challenging time for our entire Abington School...
Registering for Coronavirus testing
The County has set up community based testing at the Temple Ambler Campus. Testing is available for the individuals who fall into one of...

Town Hall Meeting
On October 22, 2018, I held my first town hall meeting. We had a packed room and discussed ideas for improving our community for two...
Trash Clean Out October 15
During trash clean out week, Abington Township will take everything that you put out in your regular trash cart plus any additional...