Support the St. Joseph the Protector Clothing Drive
St. Joseph the Protector is holding a clothing drive to support the school. They are accpeting clothes, shoes, belts, handbags, linens,...
2018 Street Paving
The following streets will be paved by the Township in 2018. Paving will begin in April if weather permits. Once paved, Township...

A Movie Theater in Glenside?
On March 2, the Philly Voice, an online news outlet, published a story that a new movie theater is being planned for Glenside in Abington...

Help Us Clean Up Glenside Weldon
Park clean up scheduled for April 8 at 9:00 am
EDC Partnership Grants
The Abington Township Economic Development Committee is now accepting applications for its Partnership Grant Town Revitalization program....

Vahey's View: February 2018
Check out my February newsletter here.

February Board Meeting
The Board of Commissioners' monthly meeting was held on February 8. The meeting began with the swearing in of Pat Molloy as the Abington...

New Movie Theater Coming to the Willow Grove Mall
The Willow Grove Mall has submitted a Conditional Use application to open a Studio Movie Grill movie theater in the former JC Penny's...

Why I voted NO on the YMCA Proposal
For the last 7 years, the Abington YMCA has been one of the pillars of my family. From daycare to preschool, from holiday camp to summer...

Glenside rallies around the Stack Family
On New Years Day, while most of us were still celebrating, the Stack family from Glenside Gardens was escaping a fire at their home. ...